Whether you are currently experiencing violence, thinking about leaving a violent situation or relationship, or have already left a violent situation, this guide will provide you with some strategies you can implement for yourself.
In creating a safety plan, it is important to remember that:
One of the most crucial yet frequently overlooked aspects of safety and safety planning is taking care of yourself. Experiencing violence can be exhausting and emotionally draining. There are many ways you can try to practice self-care.
Click the link below to find out more.
The booklet is also available in the following languages (click the language to download):
Chinese – Simplified Chinese
Punjabi – Gurmukhi (Indian Punjabi) script
Embrave: Agency to End Violence is a non-profit organization that provides shelter, counselling, and advocacy supports for women, Two-Spirit, genderqueer, trans and non-binary folks and their children impacted by gender-based violence. We amplify the voices of survivors, educate the community, and inspire systemic change to create a society free of violence.
P.O. Box 45070, Mississauga, ON L5G 1C9
Email: executive@embrave.ca
Telephone: 905 403 9691
Fax: 905 403 9808
Charitable Registration No.: 10751 0059 RR0001
©2021 Embrave Agency to End Violence. All rights reserved.