Education & Advocacy

 Public Education

Embrave offers free public education programming to community organizations and groups, schools, and workplaces. Workshops for groups are tailored and interactive and can cover a range of topics connected to gender-based violence (GBV) in all its forms.

Some examples of themes that may be developed and tailored with interested community partners include:

Overview of Embrave’s Programs and Services

Learn about the supports we provide to survivors of gender-based violence in our community.

Embrave: Your Donations at Work

Learn about how to support our work and get involved to take action in ending gender-based violence.

BraveSpaces Public Education Program

The BraveSpaces Program promotes systemic change by creating a shared knowledge base focused on systemic violence within the criminal justice and mental health systems.

Embracing Brave: A Tale of Survival

View the campaign and support the work…