Some examples of themes that may be developed and tailored with interested community partners include:
Learn about the supports we provide to survivors of gender-based violence in our community.
Learn about how to support our work and get involved to take action in ending gender-based violence.
The BraveSpaces Program promotes systemic change by creating a shared knowledge base focused on systemic violence within the criminal justice and mental health systems.
Embrave: Agency to End Violence is a non-profit organization that provides shelter, counselling, and advocacy supports for women, Two-Spirit, genderqueer, trans and non-binary folks and their children impacted by gender-based violence. We amplify the voices of survivors, educate the community, and inspire systemic change to create a society free of violence.
P.O. Box 45070, Mississauga, ON L5G 1C9
Telephone: 905 403 9691
Fax: 905 403 9808
Charitable Registration No.: 10751 0059 RR0001
©2021 Embrave Agency to End Violence. All rights reserved.